Weather Forecast
- Spotwx: Spot weather forecasting tool allowing to compare the forecasts of different models for arbitrary GPS locations (Spot = a point or specific location, Wx = short for weather).
- Mountain Forecast: A forecasting tool allowing to check the forecast for a number of mountains.
- A powerful and versatile forecasting tool that provides many different layers (Wind, Smoke, Webcams, etc) and that allows visualization directly on a map.
- Meteoblue: Similarly to Spotwx, allows to compare the forecasts of different models. Direct access to the map
- Accuweather: A fairly standard weather app
Weather forecasts for popular locations
Location | Park | MeteoBlue | Accuweather | Google Maps |
Canmore, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | x |
Kananaskis Village, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | x |
Exshaw, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | x |
Banff, AB | Banff NP | x | x | x |
Lake Louise, AB | Banff NP | x | x | x |
Field, BC | Yoho NP | x | x | x |
Saskatchewan River Crossing, AB | Icefields, Banff NP | x | x | x |
Waterton Lakes | Waterton Lakes NP | x | x | x |
- Provides a webcam layer
- MeteoBlue: Gives access to some webcams
- The Shops of Canmore
- Lake Louise Ski Resort
- Banff and Jasper Webcams
Webcams for popular locations
Location | Park | MeteoBlue | Google Maps |
Canmore, AB | Kananaskis | x | x |
Kananaskis Village, AB | Kananaskis | x | x |
Exshaw, AB | Kananaskis | x | x |
Banff, AB | Banff NP | x | x |
Lake Louise, AB | Banff NP | x | x |
Field, BC | Yoho NP | x | x |
Saskatchewan River Crossing, AB | Icefields, Banff NP | x | x |
Waterton Lakes | Waterton Lakes NP | x | x |
Smoke and Air Quality Forecasts
- Displays active fires and smoke on a map.
- provides a smoke layer that can be activated by using the "PM2.5" layer.
- NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System
- MeteoBlue: provides Air Quality forecasts
- Alberta Active Wildfires: The official Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard . Direct access to the map
- BC Wildfire Service: The official British Columbia Wildfire Status Dashboard.
- IQAir. Direct access to the map
- Alberta Air Quality Health Index
Direct Access to air quality forecasts
Location | Park | MeteoBlue | IQ Air | Google Maps |
Canmore, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | x |
Kananaskis Village, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | |
Exshaw, AB | Kananaskis | x | x | x |
Banff, AB | Banff NP | x | x | x |
Lake Louise, AB | Banff NP | x | x | |
Field, BC | Yoho NP | x | x | |
Saskatchewan River Crossing, AB | Icefields, Banff NP | x | x | |
Waterton Lakes | Waterton Lakes NP | x | x |
Fire Bans and Fire Restrictions
- Alberta Fire Bans: A map allowing to visualize the current fire bans in Alberta (Cities, Provincial Parks, and National Parks)
- Alberta Parks Fire Bans: The current fire bans and restrictions in Alberta provincial parks.
- British Columbia Fire Bans and Restrictions: The current fire bans and restrictions in British Columbia provincial parks.
- Montana Fire Info