

Weather Forecast

  • Spotwx: Spot weather forecasting tool allowing to compare the forecasts of different models for arbitrary GPS locations (Spot = a point or specific location, Wx = short for weather).
  • Mountain Forecast: A forecasting tool allowing to check the forecast for a number of mountains.
  • A powerful and versatile forecasting tool that provides many different layers (Wind, Smoke, Webcams, etc) and that allows visualization directly on a map.
  • Meteoblue: Similarly to Spotwx, allows to compare the forecasts of different models. Direct access to the map
  • Accuweather: A fairly standard weather app
LocationParkMeteoBlueAccuweatherGoogle Maps
Canmore, ABKananaskisxxx
Kananaskis Village, ABKananaskisxxx
Exshaw, ABKananaskisxxx
Banff, ABBanff NPxxx
Lake Louise, ABBanff NPxxx
Field, BCYoho NPxxx
Saskatchewan River Crossing, ABIcefields, Banff NPxxx
Waterton LakesWaterton Lakes NPxxx


LocationParkMeteoBlueGoogle Maps
Canmore, ABKananaskisxx
Kananaskis Village, ABKananaskisxx
Exshaw, ABKananaskisxx
Banff, ABBanff NPxx
Lake Louise, ABBanff NPxx
Field, BCYoho NPxx
Saskatchewan River Crossing, ABIcefields, Banff NPxx
Waterton LakesWaterton Lakes NPxx

Smoke and Air Quality Forecasts

Direct Access to air quality forecasts

LocationParkMeteoBlueIQ AirGoogle Maps
Canmore, ABKananaskisxxx
Kananaskis Village, ABKananaskisxx
Exshaw, ABKananaskisxxx
Banff, ABBanff NPxxx
Lake Louise, ABBanff NPxx
Field, BCYoho NPxx
Saskatchewan River Crossing, ABIcefields, Banff NPxx
Waterton LakesWaterton Lakes NPxx

Fire Bans and Fire Restrictions